
Must have your own tools and vehicle, also must carry your own liability insurance. Primarily looking for individual carpenters that work on there own, but looking for steady work. Job includes: Minimal paperwork, leading up to a 4 guy crew, sometimes only managing the job. Pay is worked out based at an hourly rate, and on experience.

Pay starting at $8/hr, based on a 40 hr week. No prior knowledge needed, energy and enthusiasm a must.
Must have transportation, and your own hand tools. Looking for someone who is looking at this as a career, not a job. You will be learning from very qualified Carpenters in their fields.

Date: Home Phone: Other Phone:
Name: Social Sec. #
City: State: Zip Code:
Are you 18 years or older? Yes   No

    Position applying for:  Date available for work:
    (Your application will be considered for this position only. If you wish to be considered in the future, please reapply.)

    Can you perform the functions of the job you are applying for: Yes   No
    (You may be asked to describe or demonstrate how you will be able to perform the functions of this job with or without reasonable accommodations.)

    Can you lawfully work in the United States? Yes   No
    (Proof or lawful work status will be required upon employment. i.e. valid drivers license, social security card, green card)

    Can you travel if the job requires it? Yes   No


      Name, City, State Graduated Major
    High School   Yes  No    
    College   Yes  No  
    Other Training   Yes  No  

    Please list any other skills, licenses or certificates that may be job related or that you feel would be of value to this job or company (i.e. equipment operation, etc.):


Your application may not be considered unless every question is answered. Since we will make every effort to contact previous employers, the correct telephone numbers of past employers are critical.

Most Recent Employer:

    Are you currently working for this employer? Yes   No
    If yes, may we contact? Yes   No

    Company Name  
    Phone No.  
    Dates Employed   From To
    Job Title  
    Kind of Business  


Second Most Recent Employer:

    Company Name  
    Phone No.  
    Dates Employed   From To
    Job Title  
    Kind of Business  



I certify that I have read and understand the APPLICANT INFORMATION paragraph on this form and that the answers and statements given by me on this application are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I authorize Best Built Cont. and/or its agents, including consumer reporting bureaus, to verify any of the information I have given in my application for employment including, but not limited to, criminal history and motor vehicle driving records. I authorize all persons, schools, companies and law enforcement authorities to release any information concerning my background and hereby release any said person, schools, companies and law enforcement authorities from any liability for any damage whatsoever for issuing this information.


info@bestbuiltconstruction.com - Serving Central New York - All Estimates are absolutely FREE!